Music creation and discovery is thriving at the web’s edges, with the aid of cheaper and better digital technologies and crowd-sourced content on social media services like Youtube, while legacy distribution, copyright & payment systems remain centralized and outmoded. We believe these contrasting forces have produced a dramatic asymmetry that can produce overwhelming value for consumers that represents an opportunity that is yearning to be exploited. The Bittunes platform is targeted to answer this need and take advantage of the opportunity.

Bittunes represents the monetization of P2P file sharing in a new fully legal platform…

The platform is a way for fans and Artists to buy and sell  tracks instantly, and for both groups to get paid instantly, then start earning immediately from that purchase. The platform, through its applications is also an entry point to a totally new, potentially global music ecosystem that has the potential to change the way music is discovered, distributed and traded on the internet.

Technically, as soon as a new buyer of a music track has purchased a song, they themselves become a ‘music mover’ for that song, and will start generating royalties for themselves, whenever they contribute to another upload of that song to a new buyer. In this way, instead of a music purchase being a ‘sunk-cost’, on the Bittunes platform it becomes an immediate investment, and the more music you buy, (if that music is in demand) the more money you will make.

No longer a sunk-cost, fans could make 10x profit on tracks, or even more…

The graph above demonstrates this concept. If a song is traded 1M times on Bittunes the Artist would make $400k Bittunes $200k and the other $400k would be divided among the buyers that shared and distributed the song. As can be seen on the graph buyers of this track could make up to 10x their original investment in the song purely by being one of the purchasers and distributers of that song.