Apart from the music player and trading functions in Bittunes there are also many social features such as Messaging and Offers and Requests. Underpinning these are the three categories of users in the system, being Artists, Fans and Service Providers. For the sake of differentiation we call these Music Makers, Music Movers and Music managers, respectively.

These three groups have different needs and interests, and it has been our aim to find an appropriate balance of incentives and features within the platform to support each of them and to encourage interaction and cooperation between them.

Music Makers can be own all the rights to their material and trade in Bittunes using an adaption of the Creative Commons license framework, or if they are signed to a Distributor or Indie label, rights can be specified by them to determine royalty split.

Music Movers trade in songs that are available on the Bittunes platform and effectively work in small groups that are selected by a probability index algorithm. In this way they become the new distribution channel for music.

Music Managers are service providers, this category is actually wide open, could be a lighting technician, a roadie, a sound engineer, a band manager, recording studio or even a small label.

The Offers & Requests function allows all of these groups to offer or request any services to or from each other.